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  • Writer's pictureCoach Patty, HealthSmart! Kids

Teach Your Picky Eater About Fruit and Veggie Power Foods!

Updated: Mar 20

Children outside holding up fresh root vegetables

We all know the old saying, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." And seriously, how many of us haven't used phrases with our picky eaters like "Eat your carrots...they can help you see better"?

In our efforts to ensure that something healthy actually enters the bodies of our kids with 'selective palates', we all probably have simply said "Eat your vegetables"!

Too often this last parental command is met with "Why?", and given our typical answers of "They're good for you" or "Because I said so", the question of why we really should eat them still remains unanswered for many of our kids (and perhaps even ourselves) who are still in need of a little convincing.

Fantastic Facts to Teach Your Picky Eater About Fruits and Veggies

FACT:  Fruits and vegetables are nutrient-dense. They provide a significant amount of important vitamins and minerals for relatively few calories.

FACT: Fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants that protect our cells. They contain powerful disease-preventing phytonutrients that support a healthy immune system and help to reduce our risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, obesity, diabetes and cancer.

A little girl eating a slice of watermelon

FACT: Fruits and vegetables are high in fiber necessary for proper digestion and important in preventing chronic disease. Fiber also aids in slower release of sugar into the bloodstream. The high fiber and water content of fruits and vegetables gives us a feeling of fullness so we're satisfied and less likely to overeat.

FACT: Fruits and vegetables naturally contain enzymes that aid in digestion and are used for nearly all chemical processes in the body.

FACT: Fruits and vegetables alone provide just about all the vitamins, minerals, and other micronutrients that our bodies need.

FACT: Fruits and vegetables are an excellent source of complex carbohydrates and are a healthy source of dietary protein.

FACT: Fruits and vegetables are low in calories and don't require calorie restriction, making it easier for us to maintain a healthy weight.

Toddler Preschool Healthy Eating Printable Worksheets Bundle

To get more fruits and vegetables into your family's diet, try adding fresh berries to cereal or yogurt, make smoothies or homemade blended 'fruitsicles', eat more colorful salads, and substitute raw veggies with dip and fresh fruit for snacks. You can add vegetables to soups, pasta sauces and side dishes.

There you have it! Fruits and vegetables have amazing health benefits, they taste great, come in an abundant variety, and are nature's perfect convenience food. Taking steps to teach your picky eater about fruits and veggies and to add in these nutrient-dense foods is an important part of developing a healthier lifestyle for your family.

It takes time and practice to get your picky eater on board.  For more ideas and information, check out these related posts:

A boy and a girl sitting at the table eating a salad and drinking orange juice

Build a Better Eater book for parents of picky eaters

Get The Build a Better Eater short handbook to answer the WHY for picky eating and help with the HOW-TO Build a Better Eater in your child!

All blog content shared through HealthSmart! Kids is for informational purposes only and not to be construed as medical advice. Always talk with your qualified health care provider for managing your health care needs.

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